
Here at Navajo Farm we pride ourselves in working with our horses to create a solid, well mannered working partner. Taking the time to do what’s required to develop a soft and clear connection.

A good mind starts with a great breeding foundation. Superb manners develop with time spent.


We have been breeding this cross for many years. Temperament and personality shines with continued traits passed on down generations. Happy and even repeat owners speak wonders about this cross that adapt well in to any family environment.

Their size can be very intimidating but gentle giants describes them best. The shedding is minimal. They CAN NOT be outside during the winter even with a doghouse.

Parents are farm and family raised and mom is on site for viewing.


Our strong belief is that it is the time spent with these equines that makes it easy for us to sell them with the confidence that they are what we say they are.

You are welcome at any time to come visit and see what we do. We want you to discover a horse that best meets your needs and appreciate the versatility we define in our horses, so they can go on to a discipline suitable for them and you. Ground work is the most essential part of our program. If our partner understands what we are asking for, from the ground up, it becomes so much easier when those cues are applied under Saddle.



All horses unless stated otherwise have had but not limited to exposure to the following and accept:

  • Grooming bathing and clipping,
  • Farrier, Blanketing, Loading
  • Standing patiently be it tied, cross tied, ground tied or high lined.
  • Being ponied from another Horse or an ATV
  • Cattle and dogs
  • Machinery or equipment
  • Liberty work




Mare | 15H






Mare | 15H

All horses unless stated otherwise have had but not limited to exposure to the following and accept:

  • Grooming bathing and clipping,
  • Farrier, Blanketing, Loading
  • Standing patiently be it tied, cross tied, ground tied or high lined.
  • Being ponied from another Horse or an ATV
  • Cattle and dogs
  • Machinery or equipment
  • Liberty work


Our animals bring immense joy and companionship to our lives, and we are delighted when they find their forever homes with loving and caring families. It warms our hearts to see our amazing animals thriving in the care of their new happy owners, creating lasting bonds and cherished memories together.

Hi! I thought we would give a pupdate on one of your brood. At almost 8 months old, she is 95 lbs. She is THE MOST social animal on the planet. Her favorite place is the off leash dog park, not because of the dogs. Oh no, she likes being able to run up to all the humans who tell her how pretty and nice she is. She is wonderful with our cats and other people’s cats. I think we’ve only heard her bark 8 times since getting her and the older she gets, the more cuddly she gets. She’s pretty much perfect for us. We could not be happier! Thank you!

Hello, I just wanted to contact you and Thank You. We got our two male puppies from the March 10th litter. They have been, quite honestly, an absolute joy. Both Erebus and Talon are happy, perceptive and easygoing. I have gotten compliments on everything from their shiny coats, how well socialized they are, how friendly they are, how well they get along with each other, how good they are with other animals (our cats love them btw) and people. When last at the Vet, both the Vet and the receptionists made a special point to say how nice it was to see large breeds that were so social and calm. Obedience class was a small challenge but that was due to 10% Raging teenage hormones meant that they were too distracted being amorous and 10% logistics as I had to train them separately and 80% me just not picking up the sequences and commands quickly enough so not “training” them well. So, I am are starting them with private lessons in November. In addition, they will be going to daycare for ½ a day a week where they will get training from the instructors directly.
My husband takes great pleasure in the fact that when we take them to the different off-leash areas around the river valley, no matter what they are doing, they will come when called, with almost no training nor hard work to get them to do that.
They are also great watch dogs. They hear everything and are alert and scary looking when they need to be.
At 7 months Talon is app. 120 lbs and Erebus 98. Talon is perhaps not the smartest pup and can be stubborn (to get him to move off the couch can be hard work if he’s not wanting to move) but he has a heart of gold, is sensitive and is aware of human emotions like a mind reader. Erebus is sometimes a bit sneaky, probably because he is so smart. He is also very agile, athletic and is a huge lovebug (and thankfully not stubborn). They play fight often and I have only had one time that things suddenly got fierce (due to a shift in power) but I was eventually able to get them apart. As much as I found it rather scary the power dynamic seems more natural and their play fighting much less intense.
All this to say that they are very loved and appreciated. And we are very thankful that you …orchestrated such lovely beings : )
One thing- I am not a fan of dressing dogs up normally but the one pic is for my youngest daughter who could not be home for her Birthday, and she adores the pups.

Yes, I am Janet’s brother which leaves me a little partial to this mixed large breed that she has been raising with for twenty years. In this time I have seen many different litters go to loving homes with very happy results and have always loved the temperament and good health these dogs consistently maintain. I have a 1 1/2 year old male named Remi and I have never had a better, easier to train dog! He is so much his own character and loves to play – definitely keeps me laughing! They are very intelligent and adapt to new situations very quickly. They are also very loyal and affectionate – the smaller children can climb all over him and he accepts it all without blinking. Put the time into these dogs and you will have a great very devoted family companion for life!My husband takes great pleasure in the fact that when we take them to the different off-leash areas around the river valley, no matter what they are doing, they will come when called, with almost no training nor hard work to get them to do that.
They are also great watch dogs. They hear everything and are alert and scary looking when they need to be.
At 7 months Talon is app. 120 lbs and Erebus 98. Talon is perhaps not the smartest pup and can be stubborn (to get him to move off the couch can be hard work if he’s not wanting to move) but he has a heart of gold, is sensitive and is aware of human emotions like a mind reader. Erebus is sometimes a bit sneaky, probably because he is so smart. He is also very agile, athletic and is a huge lovebug (and thankfully not stubborn). They play fight often and I have only had one time that things suddenly got fierce (due to a shift in power) but I was eventually able to get them apart. As much as I found it rather scary the power dynamic seems more natural and their play fighting much less intense.
All this to say that they are very loved and appreciated. And we are very thankful that you …orchestrated such lovely beings : )
One thing- I am not a fan of dressing dogs up normally but the one pic is for my youngest daughter who could not be home for her Birthday, and she adores the pups.“